Lifting and Tightening

Lifting and tightening aging skin has come a long way since the first Radiofrequency (RF) medical tightening device, Thermage (Solta Medical, USA) emerged in year 2002. They have improved so much over the last decade, now there are many different ways of energy delivery into the tissue, including monopolar, bipolar, unipolar, and multipolar devices, delivering different frequencies at different energy levels to different depths under the skin, with relatively precise manner.
Also important to note, High Intensity Focussed Ultrasound (HIFU) devices, which allow delivery of relatively high energy into the deep structures without surface reaction, without introduction of needles, or significant downtime.
We have introduced Ulthera (MERZ, USA) since 2011, and we are currently still actively treating many patients, many of whom are highly satisfied.
We also have monopolar, bipolar, microneedle RF, as well as unipolar RF devices all of which have different characteristics and may be used for different purposes.
We are the first in Asia Pacific region to utilise live Visual Thermal Monitoring of patient’s thermal response during radiofrequency treatments, to ensure safe and effective treatments in all patients.
We are a group of highly experienced medical experts with the very latest technology available.